Our Coffee Philosophy
Fresh Roasted Coffee - Stale coffee sucks! Fresh roasted beans that are ground just before use, is the best way to drink coffee, no matter what method you use to prepare it. We roast our coffee in small batches a couple of times per week to ensure that you are getting the freshest coffee possible.
Roast Date - We put the date your coffee was roasted on the bag, not a best before date a year in the future. This allows you to decide your own best before date. Unopened, fresh roasted bags taste good for months, but some people like their coffee very fresh while other like to let it age for a while. No matter your preference you are in control of how long your coffee ages.
Specialty Coffee - We highlight the the best characteristics of the coffee bean itself. We are not obsessed with the latest coffee "beverage" trend. We like coffee as coffee, black maybe with a touch of cream. Filtered or as a straight shot of espresso.
Roast Level - We highlight the unique taste profile of each bean, but we also also find the perfect balance between bean character and roast character.